Monday, August 16, 2010

Analyzing math

Greetings from online math forum,

If life hands you a lemon, build a high-pressure explosive gas
powered lemon gun and blast it to oblivion'. :^D

In other words, when given an assignment like this, I've often had
success analyzing the assignment itself, rather than just submitting
to the tyranny of educational orthodoxy. examples on free math; But I realize that this
approach isn't for everyone.

It's what you normally think of as 'arithmetic', but it's just one
possible _kind_ of arithmetic.

What distinction, if any, is there between 'invented', and 'discovered' with regard to mathematics?

I honestly don't know if there _is_ a distinction... or, more to the
point, I don't know that you could ever prove that one exists. You
can't really even begin looking for the distinction until you answer
the prior question of what constitutes mathematics. more explanation on free math tutor.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

7th grade math problems

Usually children in the 7th Grade are faced with problems of 7th grade math problems, they take help from parents and other sources to solve these home work problems,the other important topic of discussion in this blog is point slope equation, Point-slope equation of a line is one of the most important topics in mathematics. It is used to draw the graph for the line equation that can be used to make a straight line.In the coming blogs we will learn about area of triangle formula,hope you like the example of 7th grade math problems,please leave your comments if you have any doubts.

Time Table Chart

In this blog we will learn about time table chart, In mathematics fundamental arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) in general used in day-to-day life. Multiplication is known as product of numbers. Multiplication is generally expressed in m*n or mn form.Time table chart is used to find the answer of various complex sums.
Next in this blog let us see what we mean by point slope equation,point-slope equation of a line is one of the most important topics in mathematics. It is used to draw the graph for the line equation that can be used to make a straight line.In the coming blogs we will learn about analytical geometry,hope you like the above example of time table chart,please leave your comments if you have any doubts.

Decimal Notation

Let us learn about decimal notation in this blog, Decimal notation is nothing but the number separated by a notation in decimal. Figuring the decimal numbers are mainly obtained from the fraction part. Moreover we refer the decimal notation for tenth, hundredth…places. If the denominator is a power of ten such fractions are said to be decimal fractions. Let us now also look into a very sought after concept,acute triangle,A acute triangle is a type of triangle in which the internal angles formed by this triangle is less than 90 degree.

In general the area of the triangle is calculated by using the base and height of the triangle. The area of the triangle is,

.Hope you like the above example of acute triangle,please leave your comments if you have any doubts.In the coming blogs we will learn about algebra equation solver.

Integration Formula

In this blog we will learn about integration formula,The integration is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral and differential calculus is widely used in mathematics,

science, and engineering. Integration is one of most important study of calculus in mathematics. The obtained derivative function .

is called integral. In this blog the other topic that we discuss is cartesian plane,The Cartesian plane explains the position of a point or the object on the surface by using the two intersecting lines. The developing of the Cartesian planes helped Isaac Newton to develop the calculus a lot.In the coming blogs we will learn about obtuse angles.Hope you like the above example of integration formula,please leave any comments if you have any doubts.

volume of a triangle

In geometry we come across various shapes,sizes and structures,in this blog w will learn about volume of a triangle, In two dimensional plane figures, only the area could be calculated. The volume could not be calculated for any of the two dimensional plane figures. In two dimensional triangle only the base and height are present.The two dimensional triangle is same as the three dimensional pyramid.

In three dimensions, the triangle be called as pyramid which has lengh,breadth and height. Hence to find the volume of a triangle, we have to imagine the pyramid and substitute the values in the volume of the pyramid fomula.Let us see sample problems to find the volume of triangle.Next we will learn about difference quotient,The skill to set up and simplify difference quotients is necessary for calculus students.This is from the difference quotient that the basic formulas for derivatives are developed. In the next blog we will learn about percentage change calculator.Hope you like the above example of volume of a triangle

Math is deductive

Welcome to online math tutors,

Math itself is not inductive, but deductive. Having accepted that the
world is reasonably Euclidean, we have to accept the results of the
deduction that the radius always increases by the same amount. And
that's why math is useful: it makes it possible to find answers
without having to check every possible case.

So I think the best thing to do is not to focus on testing the actual
solution to this problem, but to build confidence in the mathematical
methods by explaining the reasoning in ways that make intuitive sense. examples
on math forum; An added benefit is that, in analyzing WHY the math does what it does,
we can gain a better understanding of the whole problem. Let's try
that for your example problem. learn more on math helper.