Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What is probability

What is probability:In this Blog let us learn about what is probability??In mathematics Probability is one of the branch in that the chance of an event happening is allocate a numerical value which predicts that event is to occur.In probability there is n elementary events mingled with a random experiment and m of them are favourable to an event A, then the probability of event coming is

A is defined as the ratio and is denoted by P (A).Let us next look at probability sampling,the probability sampling is a sample technique where the samples are gathered in practice that gives all the individuals in the population same chances of being chosen. Hope you like the above example of what is probability.Leave your comments, if you have any doubts.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Explain Graph Quadrants

Let us study what is Graph Quadrants,

A Cartesian coordinate system measured that every point individually in a plane by a couple of arithmetic coordinates, the signed distances from the location to two set perpendicular heading lines, calculated in the related unit of length. The co-ordinate system is also called Cartesian co-ordinate system.

Every position line is known as a coordinate alignment and the point where they meet is its origin. Two axes are the positions of at right angles projections point, uttered assigned distance from the origin is defined the coordinates.
This diagram represents the four quadrants of a graph. It tells that the first quadrant have only positive values for the all the trigonometric functions. The second quadrant has only the positive values for sine and cosecant functions. The third quadrant has only the positive values for tangent and cotangent functions. The fourth quadrant has only the positive values for cosine and secant functions.

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let me explain about basic trigonometry

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dividing fractions

Let us study How t0 divide fractions,

Introduction on how to divide fractions:
Fraction is a part of an object. The fractions can be expressed as [ a/b ] in which a is the numerator and b is the denominator.

Examples of fractions are: half (1/2), one third (1/3), one fourth (1/4), one sixth (1/5) etc... There are many different operations on fractions.

Let us see how to divide fractions in this article.
Steps to Divide Fractions: The following are three simple steps which shows how to divide fractions.

Step 1:
Reverse the second fraction. That is numerator to the denominator and denominator to the numerator.

Step 2:
Now multiply the first fraction with the resultant second fraction.

Step 3: Simply the resultant fraction. These are the simple steps to divide fractions,

now let us study How to divide polynomials

Introduction to integrable function

Let us study about integral function,

Integrable function is one of the functions of mathematics. The integrable function exists as the limits of the integration. Integrable function is usually considering the real numbers. F(x) is the integration of the given function.

Here f is the integrable function of the given integration. Integrable functions have both the positive and negative limits of the integration.

Integrable function is used to find the area of the region under the curve. Generally, integrable function can be denoted as f(x).

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let me explain geometry theorems and constructions

Friday, July 23, 2010

Math Vector

Let us study what is meant by Vector in math,

Vector space model (or vector model) is an algebraic model for representing text documents (and any objects, in general) as vectors of identifiers, such as, for example, index terms.

It is used in information filtering, information retrieval, indexing and relevancy rankings. Its first use was in the SMART Information Retrieval System.

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let me explain about homogeneous differential equations and differential algebraic equation.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Define function in math

Let me define function in math,

Function is defined as follows, considering two sets A and B. We form the Cartesian Product, we form relations. From all the relations, we can select a few which satisfy the rule that each element of the set A is related to only one element of the set B.
When a relation satisfies this rule, it is called a fuction.

Hence the function calculator sections helps to differentiate relation and a function.

If : A ---> B and a ? A ??> b ? = f(a) ? B is unique. A is domain and B is co domain or we can call it as Range of function f.

Also we can say that f from A to B is a relation and Every Relation from A to B is not a function.

Note: f is a set of ordered pairs , no two of which have the same first coordinate.

I hope the above explanation was useful.

Monday, July 19, 2010

factoring trinomials

Let us study factoring trinomials,

Algebra factoring trinomials explains the method to factor trinomials and this process is entirely opposite of the FOIL Method, which is used to product factoring binomials. The steps involved in algebra factoring trinomials are,

Step 1: Managing variables:

Step2: Managing Coefficients

Step3: finding the factoring pair

Let us consider an example to explain the steps involved in this method.

The example is :
I hope the above explanation was useful.