Monday, June 21, 2010

Uniform Random Distribution

Uniform Random Distribution

Introduction to Uniform Random Distribution:

Uniform random distribution is the one of the important topic in the probability distribution chapter in mathematics subject. The simplest distribution is the uniform random distribution; The uniform random distribution is suitable for most sensitivity testing and is selected by default.Now let us learn about the Types of Uniform Random Distribution, it is classified into two types; one is discreet uniform distribution and another one is continual uniform distribution.

Uniform Random Distribution:

In order to analyses numerical data, it is necessary to arrange them systematically. An arrangement of data in a systematic order is called a uniform distribution. A uniform distribution, sometimes called as a rectangular distribution, in this distribution that has the constant Probabilities occurred.

Continuous & Discrete Uniform Distributions:

Continual uniform distributions:

It is a statistical distribution for which the variables take on continual range.There are certain phenomenon which by the lack of precision in measurement are not capable of exact measurement.
Ex: weight, height, temperature, age, etc.,
Such a series are called as continual distributions.

Discrete uniform distributions:

It is also the statistical distribution where the variables can take on only discrete values. A discrete distribution is formed from items which are capable of exact measurement.
A discrete distribution with probability function p(xk) defined over, k = 1,2...N., Has distribution function.

D (xn) = [sum_(k=1)^n] p(xk)

and population mean, is [mu] = 1 / N [sum_(k=1)^n] xk P(xk)

Ex: we can count the number of Parsons salaries are exactly Rs 100 p.m, Rs 105 p.m., or Rs 110 p.m. Other examples of discrete variables are the number of children in a family, goals scored in foot ball matches.
Uniform Random Distribution General Formula:

The general formula of probability density function of the uniform ramdom distribution function is defined as follows:

f(x) = 1 / B-A for A [<=] x [<=] B

Where A is the location parameter and (B - A) is the scale parameter. The case where A = 0 and B = 1 is called the standard uniform random distribution.

The equation of the standard uniform random distribution is

f(x) = 1 for 0 [<=] x [<=] 1.

These all are important in the Uniform random distributions.

Hope you like the above example of Uniform Random Distribution.Please leave your comments, if you have any doubts.

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