Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Making math easy

Welcome to online math tutors,
I'm going to tell you a secret, and if you take it seriously, I can
guarantee that school will become at least ten times easier for you,
for as long as you continue in school. The secret is this: Never
walk into a classroom without knowing ahead of time what the teacher
is going to say! more examples on online math forum;
If you have a textbook or a reading list, read the
relevant part _before_ each lecture, rather than hearing it for the
first time in the lecture.

This _sounds_ like a lot of extra work, but it's not. Suppose you
have lectures A, B, and C that cover reading material a, b, and c.
Most students would do this:

Listen to A; read a; listen to B; read b; listen to C; read c.

I'm suggesting that you do this instead:

Read a; listen to A; read b; listen to B; read c; listen to C.
Learn more on math forum.

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