Friday, August 6, 2010

Mathematics and truth

Welcome to free online math tutors,
Mathematics deals not with reality, but with an abstraction of
reality: a "model" of just one aspect of the reality we use it to
describe. For example, a number such as 2 doesn't represent any
particular pair of things, but the idea of "two-ness."

Man has found through long experience that things can be counted, and that the
resulting numbers accurately describe one aspect of reality: math helper : if I
counted two apples yesterday, and nothing has been done to them, then
when I count them again there will still be two. The number doesn't
tell us their color, or how they taste, or who owns them; but it
describes something about them that is true of any pair of apples.

It is as much something I perceive about them as is their color or taste;
but when I talk about numbers, I am abstracting one property from the
rest, thinking only of the "two-ness" and ignoring the "apple-ness."

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let us study about online math tutors.

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