Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What are real numbers

What are real numbers:Let us learn about what are real numbers, in math, the real numbers contains both rational number and irrational number. The rational number is in the form of 53, -23/40 . And the irrational numbers like pi, square root of two, any number in decimal representation like 2.4873....where the digit is continuing in the way. Real number may be infinity long number line. A real number may be rational or irrational number, either algebraic, positive number, negative number, or zero,next comes what is a independent variable, an event is called independent event or independent variable if one event does not affect the other event. For example, choosing a 7 and 8 in the deck of card with replacement is two independent events. Hope you like the above example of What are real numbers.Please leave your comments, if you have any doubts.

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