Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dealing with math

Welcome to math tutors online,

We certainly have some experience dealing with this sort of
"unbeliever," as you can see from our FAQ! People have trouble
believing that 0.999... = 1, that -1 * -1 = 1, and so on; math forum; our usual
approach is to give them a variety of explanations and hope that one
of them might get through.

And it's not just untrained people who have
this problem; mathematicians have stumbled over their intuition in the
past, as to whether numbers can be irrational, whether negative or
imaginary numbers make sense, whether there are as many integers as
rational numbers. We've learned through such experiences not to trust
our intuition.
Learn more on online math forum.

Math prime numbers

Welcome to free math help,

prime numbers are good for quickly transforming a situation
with zillions of possible outcomes into an equivalent situation with
only a handful of possible outcomes.

Here is another way to think about it: If you're looking for some
needles in a haystack, you can start picking up each piece of straw,
examples on math help; checking to see if it's a needle, and then tossing it over your
shoulder. Or you can use a magnet to find the needles right away.

In mathematics, prime numbers serve the same function as a really,
Really, REALLY big magnet.

more examples on free math.

Factoring math polynomials

Welcome to free math homework help,
when factoring polynomials... when doing just about anything where integers are
involved, really.

Think of it this way. You don't need to learn to multiply, since you
can always use repeated addition to solve any multiplication problem,
right? free math gives you more examples; If you want to know what 398 times 4612 is,
you can just start adding:

398 (1)
398 (2)
398 (3)
398 (4)

Knowing about multiplication saves you time. That's all it does... but
that's a lot!
I hope the above explanation was useful, now let us study more on math forum.

What is circle radius

Welcome to help with math problems,

The radius of any circle is the length of a straight line segment that
runs from the center of a circle to the circle itself. And a
'straight' line segment, in the most general sense, is the shortest
one that you can draw between any two points.

To someone who thinks that he can only measure things along the
surface of the earth - because he lives in two dimensions, here you can
get free online math help ;not three - the definition of 'radius' that we're using
above would be perfectly reasonable, even obvious.

If he looked at smaller and
smaller circles, he might notice that as the diameter of a circle gets
close to zero, the circumference gets closer and closer to the number
3.14..., and he might call that number 'pi'. learn more on help in math.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Making math easy

Welcome to online math tutors,
I'm going to tell you a secret, and if you take it seriously, I can
guarantee that school will become at least ten times easier for you,
for as long as you continue in school. The secret is this: Never
walk into a classroom without knowing ahead of time what the teacher
is going to say! more examples on online math forum;
If you have a textbook or a reading list, read the
relevant part _before_ each lecture, rather than hearing it for the
first time in the lecture.

This _sounds_ like a lot of extra work, but it's not. Suppose you
have lectures A, B, and C that cover reading material a, b, and c.
Most students would do this:

Listen to A; read a; listen to B; read b; listen to C; read c.

I'm suggesting that you do this instead:

Read a; listen to A; read b; listen to B; read c; listen to C.
Learn more on math forum.

Math is important

Welcome to free math tutoring,

Similarly, mathematics is, by and large, taught backward. You are
drilled on little skills, which turn out to be important, but without
ever really being shown the bigger picture, which would help you
understand _why_ they are important.

Can you imagine trying to teach
someone to play chess by having them practice moving the individual
pieces, math forum; without ever letting them know that there was such a thing as
a chess 'game', or even letting them see a board with more than one
piece on it? Who would bother to learn it? That's something like the
way we currently go about teaching math. Is it any wonder that so many
students lose interest so early?
more exercise on online math tutors.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Math Philosophy

Welcome to free online math help,

Math is just a set of logical truths. It assumes a few things (such as
Euclid's five postulates), defines terms, and sees what follows
logically from those assumptions, math help

There are thus two ways that you can question math. First, you can
question the truth of one or more of the assumptions. This sort of
questioning has been very fruitful in the history of math. Questioning
of Euclid's fifth postulate led to an entire new branch of math called
non-Euclidean geometry.

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let me take you through help with math homework.