Friday, August 6, 2010

Mathematics and truth

Welcome to free online math tutors,
Mathematics deals not with reality, but with an abstraction of
reality: a "model" of just one aspect of the reality we use it to
describe. For example, a number such as 2 doesn't represent any
particular pair of things, but the idea of "two-ness."

Man has found through long experience that things can be counted, and that the
resulting numbers accurately describe one aspect of reality: math helper : if I
counted two apples yesterday, and nothing has been done to them, then
when I count them again there will still be two. The number doesn't
tell us their color, or how they taste, or who owns them; but it
describes something about them that is true of any pair of apples.

It is as much something I perceive about them as is their color or taste;
but when I talk about numbers, I am abstracting one property from the
rest, thinking only of the "two-ness" and ignoring the "apple-ness."

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let us study about online math tutors.

About Math

Hi, Greetings from math help online,

As you go more deeply into math, you find that we end up studying
abstractions of abstractions, such as systems of objects that behave
like numbers, but don't follow all the same rules.

This turns out to
be surprisingly useful; for example in math help, rotations of an object in space,
thought of as if they were a sort of number, can be handled very
neatly, even though they work very differently from numbers in some

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let me take you a tour of free online math tutoring.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Math in nature

Math is unavoidable. It's a deeply fundamental thing. Without math, there would be no science, no music, no art. Math help is part of all of those things. If it's got structure, then there's an aspect of it that's mathematical.

When a jazz musician improvises, part of what they're doing is math. For an improvisation to make sense, for it to sound good, and fit with what's going on around it, there are a set of constraints on it: on pitches, pitch progressions, rhythm, chords. Those are all abstract properties of the music, which are mathematical!

When you look at a cubist painting, you're looking at a strange kind of projection of something. The artist has taken the subject of the painting apart, he cannot do it easily so he need help with math, he views it from different perspectives, different points of views, different ways of understanding it or seeing it, and assembled them together into a single image. When you look at a cubist painting, and try to understand what the artist was seeing, how they were seeing it, and how the pieces of the final image really fit together - you're doing math.

I hope the above explanation was useful, now let me help you with free math homework help.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cosine Rule

Cosine rule:Let us learn about cosine rule In trigonometry, the law of cosines (also known as the cosine formula or cosine rule) is a statement about a general triangle that relates the lengths of its sides to the cosine of one of its angle.Next we will understand the product rule,in calculus, the product rule (also called Leibniz's law; see derivation) is a formula used to find the derivatives of products of functions. Hope you like the above example of cosine rule.Please leave your comments, if you have any doubts.

Congruent Angles

Congruent Angles:Let us learn about Congruent angles in this blog,Congruence angles are angles having equal measure. Angle plays a wide role in geometry,let us also see how many triangles are their in geometry,triangles can also be classified according to their internal angles, measured here in degrees.Triangles are either exterior or interior. Two triangles are said to be similar if every angle of one triangle has the same measure as the corresponding angle in the other triangle. Hope you like the above example of congruent angles.Please leave your comments, if you have any doubts.

Perimeter of Triangle

Perimeter of Triangle:In the previous blogs we have learnt about the various types and now in this blog we will learn about the perimeter of triangle and median of a triangle. he perimeter of a triangle is the total distance around the outside, which can be found by adding together the length of each side. Or as a formula:The perimeter of a triangle is P = a + b + c. Median of a triangle is a line segment joining a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side. A triangle has three sides, so every triangle has exactly three medians; each running from one vertex to the side exactly opposite. Hope you like the above example of perimeter of triangle.Please leave your comments, if you have any doubts.

What are real numbers

What are real numbers:Let us learn about what are real numbers, in math, the real numbers contains both rational number and irrational number. The rational number is in the form of 53, -23/40 . And the irrational numbers like pi, square root of two, any number in decimal representation like 2.4873....where the digit is continuing in the way. Real number may be infinity long number line. A real number may be rational or irrational number, either algebraic, positive number, negative number, or zero,next comes what is a independent variable, an event is called independent event or independent variable if one event does not affect the other event. For example, choosing a 7 and 8 in the deck of card with replacement is two independent events. Hope you like the above example of What are real numbers.Please leave your comments, if you have any doubts.